Thursday 24 March 2011


Culture, culture ... culture. Culture has always puzzled me. We are all living in a very technologically advanced world, yet the differences between countries is still immense. If you were to take the time travelling across Europa alone, you would come across many different people abiding their own cultural background. Even though, these people all have access to telephones, internet and even the mail, to come in contact with different inhabitants of our planet. Yet, all these countries still have their own individual culture. Each country has their our national form of music, way of dressing, language, art, architecture, humour, etc. You would say, in such modern times people would stop trying to form their own groups, but actually achieve as a whole, on a planetery level. He all have the resources to do so, yet all these different countries cling to their culture as if it were their first born child. I am not necessarily saying I am opposed to countries having their own culture, for culture creates a certain diversity which can be very interesting at times. But, I am surprised that we all do have our own individual cultures. Where does this mindset of having to be different from the others come from? It is only standing in the way of dealing with major international problems such as war, poverty, hunger, polution, largely increasing number of people, just to state several of the many. Now some you might say this is not true, and it might not be. But, I think culture is keeping us down as a race.

I would like to leave it at that, and ask for all the people who have read this to give their opinion. I want to get a discussion going, for I am very interested in what you guys think. People with questions or ideas can comment on this blog.


  1. I think culture puzzles everyone lol.

  2. I think culture is a good thing. I mean, whats the point of trying to conform to what other cultures do? Everyone has their own deal, and i don't think everyone acting the same is going to solve any major international issues. War is mostly due to religion, and crazy people with too much power/greed, not differences in culture. Pollution, hunger and poverty also have their own source, which is largely unrelated to cultural differences.

  3. culture is really a bizzare thing i agree, what ever everyone else is doing is recalled as "normal" but who are we to judge that.

  4. Very good point. Although, it is very hard to define how much influence a nation's culture has on the way people act towards problems of a global size. I don't think what I wrote was very good. I should have taken a lot more time to think it through, and type out a reasonable piece of writing, instead of this rushed summary of the line of thought I had two days ago. For this I apologize. I will get a new post going soon, so we can forget about this one.

  5. It puzzle me also ;(

  6. Culture is something good. But since the last century a lot of new media made it easier to come in contact with other cultures. Internet, phones, even transportation. Some people are able to deal with other cultures and adapt or accept it, while others see other cultures as inferior.

  7. I took a culture class over the summer and I still don't understand it.

  8. Learning about this in soc class, good post.
